Hey Everybody!!!
It's been a long time since my last post, and I apologize for that. We have been going through a season of change here at the Jones household!! And with that change, I needed to take a break. But now I am back and ready for some holiday fun. :)
Now that fall is in full swing, I am going to be trying some new stews/soups with my dear friend, my crock-pot! :) It is the best way to make some A-MAZING food without slaving over a hot stove for hours...and with having 4 kiddos that makes this Momma quite happy. So off with the menu we go :)....
Monday- Dinner out with the fam! :)
Tuesday- Homemade BBQ Pork Chops*, Scalloped Potatoes, and Buttered Corn
Wednesday- Loaded Baked Potato Soup (new crock-pot recipe) with Ham Steaks
Thursday- Surprise Dinner ;) (Dave and I's 4 year anniversary!)
Friday- Chicken Casserole* with Green Beans
Saturday- Beef Nachos (Football Food :) )
* Recipes and Pictures to come!!
Want to share your family's menu, or just want to find some great recipes? Go to Menu Plan Monday!
Lots of changes will be happening here at Life & Love soon :) So stay following for some fun stuff!
Blessings and Love!!