Monday, June 18, 2012

Menu Plan Monday (June 18th)


So, the past two months have been insanely busy here in the Jones household. We are finally coming into a nice summer routine (which I am extremely grateful for :) ). My menu planning has stayed on track for the most part for these past few months, but just hasn't seemed to make it on my blog! LOL...but with life getting back into a not so crazy schedule, I will be able to find time to share some of my life with all of you! ;)

My menu will be looking a little different than you may have seen in the past. My hubby has started a new diet (or as I like to call it a new lifestyle of eating) and has successfully and healthfully lost 12 pounds so far (GO DAVE!!) I'm so proud of him if you can't tell. ;) So a lot of the unnecessary carbs and excessive fatty foods have been removed from our menu and home. But I have to say I have found some AH-MAZING chicken marinates on Pinterest (which I am totally addicted to). So I just have to share them! So off with our menu...

Monday- Key West Chicken and Broccoli

Tuesday- Broiled Tilapia and Sauteed Zucchini

Wednesday- Chicken Taco Salad (minus a few high calorie ingredients)

Thursday- Grilled BBQ Chicken and Steamed Carrots

Friday- Breakfast for Dinner: Pancakes and Smoked Sausage (Daddy's out of town to a conference. And breakfast for dinner is one of the kiddos favorites :) )

Saturday- Out of town to KY :)

For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!