My menu will be looking a little different than you may have seen in the past. My hubby has started a new diet (or as I like to call it a new lifestyle of eating) and has successfully and healthfully lost 12 pounds so far (GO DAVE!!) I'm so proud of him if you can't tell. ;) So a lot of the unnecessary carbs and excessive fatty foods have been removed from our menu and home. But I have to say I have found some AH-MAZING chicken marinates on Pinterest (which I am totally addicted to). So I just have to share them! So off with our menu...
Monday- Key West Chicken and Broccoli
Tuesday- Broiled Tilapia and Sauteed Zucchini
Wednesday- Chicken Taco Salad (minus a few high calorie ingredients)
Thursday- Grilled BBQ Chicken and Steamed Carrots
Friday- Breakfast for Dinner: Pancakes and Smoked Sausage (Daddy's out of town to a conference. And breakfast for dinner is one of the kiddos favorites :) )
Saturday- Out of town to KY :)
For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!
Have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!
Blessings and Love!