Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Sweet Little Valentines

Valentine's day was a blast this year. :) Here are few pictures I just had to share!


My beautiful flowers from my Valentine! ;) Lilies are my favorite! (sigh...he's a keeper)

 We made "valentines" :) They were so proud!

The kiddos favorite...pancakes! :)

Burning off some sugar while watching "Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown". 


Monkey see monkey do!

And of course we can't forget Evie...especially since it is her first Valentine's Day! :)

Thanks for stopping by! :)
Blessings and Love!

Monday, February 11, 2013

My 1st Gluten & Dairy Free Menu

Well, my friends...

I recently went to the doctor and found out some life changing news. I have been having some issues since Evie's birth with my hormone levels. She also ran some allergy tests (due to her seeing my eczema) and I am allergic to...drum roll...milk...sigh...AND wheat(gluten)...double sigh... :(

So I was in a state of shock for about a week or so after realizing that milk(whey and casein) and wheat(gluten) are in just about everything this nation consumes including myself. I know this is totally dramatic, but I was feeling like my love for chocolate and food for that matter was over.  I have this insane addiction to anything most of us women do. ;)  

But after some research and totally revamping my kitchen, I now am feeling better mentally and physically. :) I am ready to give it a creative go at this new way of eating...which is by the way making me feel like a new person. :)

So here we go with my 1st gluten free and dairy free menu :)

Running Errands
Broiled Tilapia with Wild Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers

Rosemary Lemon Chicken with Roasted Red Potatoes

Pot Roast with Potatoes and Carrots

Valentine's Day
Party with the kiddos
Heart Calzones :)

Date Night ;)

Winter Farmer's Market
Family Time
Chipotle Lime Haddock with Sautéed Zucchini

For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!!