Monday, June 10, 2013

This Week's Menu (June 10th)

Well my friends, I am so excited it's grilling season again! ;)

I am a blessed woman to have a grill master hubby. We had to take the plunge and buy a new grill this season, but it has been SO worth it. Anyone that knows my husband knows that he definitely does his research before he buys something and shopping for our new grill was no exception. He decided on a grill/smoker combo and we have had some food straight from heaven come off of it. ;) So I will be utilizing his grill talents this week. :) 

Mom's Tea (homeschooling co-op moms :))
Dinner out

Dentist appointments & Errand running
Hot dogs, Chips, and Fruit Salad


Play date with friends
Hamburgers and Corn on the Cob

More dentist appointments :/

Father's Day for my amazing hubby (Sundays aren't very relaxing for my husband since he works most of the day. So we are going to give him a whole weekend of Father's day fun! ;) )
Father's Day
For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Have a great week in the kitchen!!
Blessings and Love!

Friday, June 7, 2013

A May of Mayhem

No I'm not dead, but I think I came close to it! 

Oh my dear sweet friends...May was probably one of the busiest months of my life! I am still re-cooping and we are already a week into June! haha...It was an awesome month but it was a crazy one for sure.

My precious sister-in-law got married on May 25th, and so with that came the hustle and bustle of a wedding and her showers. My husband went on a 4 day trip to the Gurus of Tech conference for work...that I tagged along for ;). My best friend welcomed her newest little man into the world...that was such an awesome experience to be on the other side looking in. :) We also had our area's annual homeschooling convention, along with mother's day, a couple birthday parties, and a lot doctor appointments. My poor calendar felt like it was full the entire month!

So this month has been a great change of pace. We will wrap up our last month of school this month..and every homeschooling mommy said AMEN! :)

I am looking forward to some fun summer activities with the kiddos and picking some fresh produce from my first organic garden. :) More on that later!!

Blessing and love my dear friends!