This summer we have been very relaxed on our routine, but the Jones' start school back up in two weeks and I have A LOT to do!! :) I will be completely reorganizing/renovating our school room in preparation for teaching 3 kiddos this year...which is exciting and completely intimidating all at the same time! And because this summer has been packed, the organization of our house has seen better days. So that will be on my to-do list as well. But today is about our menu so here we go!!
Grilling Out: Ribeyes and Hot Dogs, Cheesy Roasted Red Potatoes, and Green Beans
Breakfast for Dinner: Pancakes, Eggs, and Bacon
General Taos Chicken and Steamed Rice (Crockpot)
Dinner out (Homeschool Co-op Meeting for me :) )
I'm having a Thirty-one Open House to kick off my new adventure as a consultant!!
Taco Fiesta :)
Crispy BBQ Chicken, Corn, and Peas
This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday!
Of course I couldn't leave you without share a picture from my sweet little Evie's birthday party!!
Blessings and Love!!