Friday, June 7, 2013

A May of Mayhem

No I'm not dead, but I think I came close to it! 

Oh my dear sweet friends...May was probably one of the busiest months of my life! I am still re-cooping and we are already a week into June! haha...It was an awesome month but it was a crazy one for sure.

My precious sister-in-law got married on May 25th, and so with that came the hustle and bustle of a wedding and her showers. My husband went on a 4 day trip to the Gurus of Tech conference for work...that I tagged along for ;). My best friend welcomed her newest little man into the world...that was such an awesome experience to be on the other side looking in. :) We also had our area's annual homeschooling convention, along with mother's day, a couple birthday parties, and a lot doctor appointments. My poor calendar felt like it was full the entire month!

So this month has been a great change of pace. We will wrap up our last month of school this month..and every homeschooling mommy said AMEN! :)

I am looking forward to some fun summer activities with the kiddos and picking some fresh produce from my first organic garden. :) More on that later!!

Blessing and love my dear friends!

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