Well last week was some what of a disaster in the kitchen. We definitely had too many nights of eating out, but we were blessed to have such a great weekend celebrating my amazing hubby's 28th birthday (two nights out with family and one night away in a hotel for just me and the hubs...I love that guy)!
I must admit to you all that I am so guilty of quick fix not so healthy meals or grabbing something quick out. There is such a great season of change in our house that this is one habit that has to go.
I am making that change in our kitchen starting this week. I am not going to be buying any boxed/processed "food". I guilt-fully have been taking the "easy" route with our meals (or at least the kiddos meals) since Evie has been born. I don't want to set them up for poor eating habits as adults. So I am changing that habit for them while they are young.
Of course with that being said, my weekly grocery budget isn't going to change. So I am going to get creative and make a lot of snack from scratch...(recipes to come as I make them). But this week I am going to be stick with some favorites...some of these are roll overs from last week. Well here we go... :)
Grocery Shopping
Broiled Tilapia with Jasmine Rice and Steamed Broccoli
Grocery Shopping
Broiled Tilapia with Jasmine Rice and Steamed Broccoli
Play Date with my sweet friend and her precious children
Chicken Taco Stew (Crock pot) I used this linked recipe originally, but I now have made so many changes that I will post the recipe I've changed it to this week! :)
Pot Roast (Crock pot)
Savory Pork Tenderloin with Carrots
Dinner Date with my sister-in-law and her fiance :)
TBA or leftovers
Hosting Small Group :)
For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!
Well I hope you all have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!
TBA or leftovers
Hosting Small Group :)
For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!
Well I hope you all have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!