Hey Everyone!
Well it has been a jam packed fall cleaning spree at the Jones' house! We finally got our "oh so full" garage cleaned out and organized (Thanks to my awesome hubby who was very dedicated to the job!). All of the windows have been cleaned. The carpets have been shampooed. All of the closets have been cleaned out and reorganized! And the boys' room has been CLEANED OUT!! And I mean cleaned out! Many trash bags full of toys left our house to be donated never to be seen by us again!! YAY!! It feels so good to purge...lol! I love the fact that I can now let go of things that I don't need. I once cared so much about saving things that we didn't really need that we had a FULL house of STUFF!! *AHHHH*(cleansing sigh...lol)
Anywho...this post is supposed to be about my menu haha! So on with the menu I shall go! Last week was a horrible wing it week with all of the cleaning going on. So I must get back to menu planning. With this week being Thanksgiving (YAY!), I will post some of my favorite holiday recipes that are staples for us through out the week, one being my glorious sweet potato casserole :) We typically host Christmas dinner and travel to our family's houses for Thanksgiving so my cooking load won't have to be as hefty this week! I just love the holidays don't you!! I love the food, seeing our family, and just enjoying our precious traditions!!
Now for the menu!!
Monday- Chicken and Rice Casserole with rolls
Tuesday- Steakhouse Shepherd's Pie and Broccoli
Wednesday- Hot and Cheesy Chicken Casserole
Thursday- Lunch(I'm contributing Sweet Potato Casserole) and Dinner(I'm contributing Pumpkin Pie and a Kid-friendly Dessert) with our family...Yay Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday- Old Fashioned Beef Stew (Crockpot Recipe!)...on a side note we are decorating our house for Christmas this day and Black Friday shopping!! I can't wait!!
Saturday- Dress-up Star Wars Birthday Party at a Friend's House!! LOL...can't tell we have boys huh?? LOL...
Well I pray you have an awesomely blessed week!! Enjoy your family this holiday week!!
For more recipes or to link up your family's menu go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!
Blessings and Love!
Your menu for the week looks great. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!