Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A New Season of Change

I know this modern world of technology is very convenient. I don't know what I would do without my washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, and GPS ( that order), but I still find myself longing for a simple life.

It has been a while since my last post, and of course I could give you a list of excuses why, but honestly my house has been completely out of order. I have let myself get miserably over booked. I have always had an issue telling people no when someone needs something. I don't think that I truly mean to fill my calendar, but it seems to happen more and more which then leaves me in the whirlwind of getting frustrated with my kids and feeling completely overwhelmed.

So as summer has left us once again *insert happy dance for fall*, I am leaving my poor planning skills with it. I can't have a full calendar constantly, especially while my husband is still in full time school while working full time as well.

Disorganization really stresses me out. So I am delegating some tasks to the kiddos (which I will post about later), and learning that saying no isn't necessarily being selfish, just knowing your limits and making sure you are giving the best of yourself to the people who need you most. ;)

Well, you will be hearing more from me, but I will leave you with this.

I saw this picture today and I absolutely love it!! I am going to put this in my house so it is a daily reminder of what really matters.

Blessings and love!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Back at it for the Jones'

Well where did July go? And did we really just celebrate my baby's 1st birthday? 

This summer we have been very relaxed on our routine, but the Jones' start school back up in two weeks and I have A LOT to do!! :)  I will be completely reorganizing/renovating our school room in preparation for teaching 3 kiddos this year...which is exciting and completely intimidating all at the same time! And because this summer has been packed, the organization of our house has seen better days. So that will be on my to-do list as well. But today is about our menu so here we go!!

Grilling Out: Ribeyes and Hot Dogs, Cheesy Roasted Red Potatoes, and Green Beans

Breakfast for Dinner: Pancakes, Eggs, and Bacon

General Taos Chicken and Steamed Rice (Crockpot)

Dinner out (Homeschool Co-op Meeting for me :) )

I'm having a Thirty-one Open House to kick off my new adventure as a consultant!!
Taco Fiesta :)

Crispy BBQ Chicken, Corn, and Peas

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday!

Of course I couldn't leave you without share a picture from my sweet little Evie's birthday party!!

Blessings and Love!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

This Week's Menu (June 10th)

Well my friends, I am so excited it's grilling season again! ;)

I am a blessed woman to have a grill master hubby. We had to take the plunge and buy a new grill this season, but it has been SO worth it. Anyone that knows my husband knows that he definitely does his research before he buys something and shopping for our new grill was no exception. He decided on a grill/smoker combo and we have had some food straight from heaven come off of it. ;) So I will be utilizing his grill talents this week. :) 

Mom's Tea (homeschooling co-op moms :))
Dinner out

Dentist appointments & Errand running
Hot dogs, Chips, and Fruit Salad


Play date with friends
Hamburgers and Corn on the Cob

More dentist appointments :/

Father's Day for my amazing hubby (Sundays aren't very relaxing for my husband since he works most of the day. So we are going to give him a whole weekend of Father's day fun! ;) )
Father's Day
For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Have a great week in the kitchen!!
Blessings and Love!

Friday, June 7, 2013

A May of Mayhem

No I'm not dead, but I think I came close to it! 

Oh my dear sweet friends...May was probably one of the busiest months of my life! I am still re-cooping and we are already a week into June! haha...It was an awesome month but it was a crazy one for sure.

My precious sister-in-law got married on May 25th, and so with that came the hustle and bustle of a wedding and her showers. My husband went on a 4 day trip to the Gurus of Tech conference for work...that I tagged along for ;). My best friend welcomed her newest little man into the world...that was such an awesome experience to be on the other side looking in. :) We also had our area's annual homeschooling convention, along with mother's day, a couple birthday parties, and a lot doctor appointments. My poor calendar felt like it was full the entire month!

So this month has been a great change of pace. We will wrap up our last month of school this month..and every homeschooling mommy said AMEN! :)

I am looking forward to some fun summer activities with the kiddos and picking some fresh produce from my first organic garden. :) More on that later!!

Blessing and love my dear friends!

Monday, May 6, 2013

This Week's Plan/Menu (May 6th)

Well back to the good ol' menu planning...

This week isn't going to be too busy, but busy enough that I must stay organized. :)

Here it is:

Dinner out to celebrate the sweet mother-in-law's birthday :)

Catch up on some much need housework
Doctor's appointment
Worship Team practice
Dinner out

Finish switching the kiddos wardrobes out 
Chicken Fajitas

Play date
Grilling Out!! Smoked Pork Ribs with Cheesy Grilled Potatoes (No cheese for me though! ;))

Gardening and Planting Flowers
Pan Roasted Chicken with Lemon-Garlic Green Beans

Family Time ;)
Lemon and Dill Chicken with Jasmine Rice and Asparagus

Mother's Day :)

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Keepin' up with the Jones' (or trying to...)

Hi, my name is Janan, and I have been a blogging slacker!! :o

Well, I feel better getting that one off of my chest... ;)

In the past two months, we have celebrated a very special 9 years old's birthday, helped my father-in-law move out (he was staying with us for a little while while he was in between homes), had enough stomach bugs and sinus infections for a small army (I guess we kind of are one ;) ), finished unpacking and did some room shifting, all while trying to homeschool and take care of the normal day to day jobs a stay at home, homeschooling mommy of 5 has. Whew...I'm tired just thinking about last month. It was not only exhaustingly busy, but completely chaotic due to lack of organization on my part.

So with that being said, this month is going to be probably even CRAZIER!?!?!?! (Yes, crazier!) My calendar is looking back at me like "really lady...again".

Organization is key to my sanity and my family's survival ;) this month. So back to the old grind this week... :)

I can't leave you without sharing some pictures of Trey's Mario Birthday Party. It was a blast!!

Blessings and Love!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

This Week's Menu (March 11)

This week is going to be a busy one! I have a full schedule with homeschooling, church events, and planning an almost 9 years old's birthday party. So this week I am sticking to the basics and making some staple meals that are quick and easy. :)

Running Errands
Rotisserie Chicken with Corn and Green Beans

Laundry Catch-up
Leftovers and Sandwiches for the kiddos
Spring Explosion Practice

Working on Party Plans
Pot Roast

Party Errands
Chicken Fajitas

More Partying Crafting! :)
Dinner Out
Spring Explosion

Family Time
Spring Explosion

Trey's PARTY!! (more details to come this week)

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday!

Have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

This Week's Menu (March 4th)

I am so excited spring is just around the corner! I can hardly stand it! We have been going through some serious winter blues around here.

I am ready to get my hands dirty in our garden, to hear the beautiful sound of birds chirping, for the smell of fresh cut grass, and to get this crazy kids of mine OUTSIDE!! :) I don't know about you, but my poor house takes a beating from constant indoor activities from my children during the winter. From homeschooling to the random toy mess, I am ALWAYS cleaning up some sort of catastrophe caused from our cabin fever. -_-

We have such a great yard at our new home and a neighborhood park within walking distance. So I can't wait to use them this year. :)

Well my rant is over (for now :) ).... But this week's forecast is looking more like winter and less like spring so I am going to be making some cozy meals (hopefully for the last time this season).

I have been rewriting some recipes to fit my recent allergy diagnosis. Once they are hubby approved I will post them. :) Well here we go...

Grocery Shopping
Dinner Out

Doctor's Appointments
Slow Cooker Pork Chops with Red Potatoes and Carrots (substituting olive oil for butter)

Chili (last batch of the season)

Honey Lime Shrimp with Jasmine Rice and Broccoli


Taco Night

Family Time
Cook out with our small group :)

For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Sweet Little Valentines

Valentine's day was a blast this year. :) Here are few pictures I just had to share!


My beautiful flowers from my Valentine! ;) Lilies are my favorite! (sigh...he's a keeper)

 We made "valentines" :) They were so proud!

The kiddos favorite...pancakes! :)

Burning off some sugar while watching "Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown". 


Monkey see monkey do!

And of course we can't forget Evie...especially since it is her first Valentine's Day! :)

Thanks for stopping by! :)
Blessings and Love!

Monday, February 11, 2013

My 1st Gluten & Dairy Free Menu

Well, my friends...

I recently went to the doctor and found out some life changing news. I have been having some issues since Evie's birth with my hormone levels. She also ran some allergy tests (due to her seeing my eczema) and I am allergic to...drum roll...milk...sigh...AND wheat(gluten)...double sigh... :(

So I was in a state of shock for about a week or so after realizing that milk(whey and casein) and wheat(gluten) are in just about everything this nation consumes including myself. I know this is totally dramatic, but I was feeling like my love for chocolate and food for that matter was over.  I have this insane addiction to anything most of us women do. ;)  

But after some research and totally revamping my kitchen, I now am feeling better mentally and physically. :) I am ready to give it a creative go at this new way of eating...which is by the way making me feel like a new person. :)

So here we go with my 1st gluten free and dairy free menu :)

Running Errands
Broiled Tilapia with Wild Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers

Rosemary Lemon Chicken with Roasted Red Potatoes

Pot Roast with Potatoes and Carrots

Valentine's Day
Party with the kiddos
Heart Calzones :)

Date Night ;)

Winter Farmer's Market
Family Time
Chipotle Lime Haddock with Sautéed Zucchini

For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

This Week's Menu (Jan 21)

Well last week was some what of a disaster in the kitchen. We definitely had too many nights of eating out, but we were blessed to have such a great weekend celebrating my amazing hubby's 28th birthday (two nights out with family and one night away in a hotel for just me and the hubs...I love that guy)!

I must admit to you all that I am so guilty of quick fix not so healthy meals or grabbing something quick out. There is such a great season of change in our house that this is one habit that has to go.

I am making that change in our kitchen starting this week. I am not going to be buying any boxed/processed "food". I guilt-fully have been taking the "easy" route with our meals (or at least the kiddos meals) since Evie has been born. I don't want to set them up for poor eating habits as adults. So I am changing that habit for them while they are young.

Of course with that being said, my weekly grocery budget isn't going to change. So I am going to get creative and make a lot of snack from scratch...(recipes to come as I make them). But this week I am going to be stick with some favorites...some of these are roll overs from last week. Well here we go... :)

Grocery Shopping
Broiled Tilapia with Jasmine Rice and Steamed Broccoli

Play Date with my sweet friend and her precious children
Chicken Taco Stew (Crock pot) I used this linked recipe originally, but I now have made so many changes that I will post the recipe I've changed it to this week! :)

Pot Roast (Crock pot)

Savory Pork Tenderloin with Carrots  

Dinner Date with my sister-in-law and her fiance :)

Family Time
Grilled Pineapple Chicken with Zucchini 

TBA or leftovers
Hosting Small Group :)

For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Well I hope you all have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!

Monday, January 14, 2013

This Week's Menu

It's that time of the week, menu planning time!! :) I am so excited to get back to the normal things of life. Nothing give me greater joy that to have a happy and organized home. This week is looking like a nice calm week, which we have so desperately needed. :) Well off with the menu...

Ice Skating Field Trip :)
Teriyaki Chicken with Sautéed Veggies and Jasmine Rice 

Making Laundry Soap
Broiled Tilapia with Jasmine Rice and Steamed Broccoli

Chicken Taco Stew (Crockpot)

Dave's 28th Birthday!!
Dinner out with our "little" big family :)

Doctor's Appointment and Errands
Birthday Dinner Date! :)
Corn Dog Muffins for the kiddos

More Birthday Celebrating
Chicken Fajitas

Church (kicking off our 40 Days in the Word Series, which I am so excited about!! :) )
Small Group

For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Have a great week in the kitchen!
Blessings and Love!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello there friends!

The Jones' have been one very busy household lately (new baby, starting to homeschool, job changes, moving, and the holidays...yikes did I really go through all of that in a 5 month period??). So... I am so very ready for the routine and structure a new year brings. Now with the holidays behind us, I can get back to homeschooling, menu planning, and some of the fun things I love to do that I just can't find the time to do with all of the Christmas hustle. :)

With that structure and routine, blogging will become a 2 to 3 times a week escape for me. :) (Due to the insane changes and seasons I have been going through, blogging had to take a back seat.) So stay posted and feel free to follow me for the fun posts to come starting next week. (A tour of our new home will be included! :) )

Thank you all for reading and following me here at Life & Love. :)

Blessings and Love!

Of course I couldn't leave you without a photo of the kiddos from the holidays... :)

Have a great week!!