Happy After-Labor Day to you all! Most people see Labor Day as the end of summer, but summer has been officially over in our house for a while! And with a season change comes a lot of change in my daily routine. (that is why it has been a month since my last post....sorry about that! LOL)
Dave and T

Dave's schedule is always changing every semester so it is always weird getting use to his schedule. But honestly this semester is not that bad. He is only gone 2 nights of the week and he gets home earlier than last semester so that is a huge blessing!
I don't know how many of you all know that we are expecting again, but we are! And we found out were are having another little girl! Her name will be/is AnnaLeigh Marceline Jones! We traditionally give our children their middle names after our family members and she will be named after my husband's grandmother(whom I absolutely adore!!).
I will be back up and running next week with my menu and I am going to be starting some new posts so watch for them!
I want to leave you with some encouraging words from my Father.
"The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy." Psalm 145:8
Thank you Jesus for your mercy and patience!! He is wonderful!
I pray you all have an amazing week!
Blessings and Love!
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