Wow a lot has changed in the Jones household this year!! I have been thinking a lot about what I want to change in my life in this upcoming year and habits that I need to get rid of. And it has really made me see all of the changes we have went through so I thought I would update all of you!
Well to start off the house that we were trying to buy ended up falling through do to some illegal activity with our financial company! We found out that we weren't going to be able to get the house a week before we had to be out of our apartment!! Yikes! So only by God providing did we find an adorable house to rent for less than what we were paying in our apartment and is actually very very similar to the house we were buying! God's good!! He shows up at the last minute (in our time frame....hahaha) and makes things better than they ever were!!

Then only a couple weeks after we moved we were blessed with our first little girl!! Her name is Emmaline Cathleen Jones and she was born at a perfect 6lbs 3ozs and measured at 18 1/2 inches long! She is so precious! God has truly blessed our family beyond measure!