Hello Everyone!
Happy After-Labor Day to you all! Most people see Labor Day as the end of summer, but summer has been officially over in our house for a while! And with a season change comes a lot of change in my daily routine. (that is why it has been a month since my last post....sorry about that! LOL)
Dave and T

rey are back to school! Trey started first grade this year *tear* and it has been so very bittersweet. He has grow up so much just in the past month from become an official elementary student!
Dave's schedule is always changing every semester so it is always weird getting use to his schedule. But honestly this semester is not that bad. He is only gone 2 nights of the week and he gets home earlier than last semester so that is a huge blessing!
I don't know how many of you all know that we are expecting again, but we are! And we found out were are having another little girl! Her name will be/is AnnaLeigh Marceline Jones! We traditionally give our children their middle names after our family members and she will be named after my husband's grandmother(whom I absolutely adore!!).

I will be back up and running next week with my menu and I am going to be starting some new posts so watch for them!
I want to leave you with some encouraging words from my Father.
"The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy." Psalm 145:8Thank you Jesus for your mercy and patience!! He is wonderful!
I pray you all have an amazing week!
Blessings and Love!