Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oh Fudge!!

Well this was my first year making fudge. It was relatively easy, although it will give you some great arm muscles from all of that stirring! I am just happy both batches passed the Hubby Test! I love my Dave with all my heart, but he won't hesitate to let me know he doesn't like something (in a very sweet and nice way, but blunt too! LOL). So whenever he said that he liked it I knew it was worth sharing! Its a simple recipe from Marshmallow Fluff! So here it is!

Yummy Chocolate Fudge

5 cups of sugar
2 small (5 oz) cans of evaporated milk
1/2 stick of butter or margarine
1 jar (16 oz) marshmallow fluff
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 large (12 oz) bags of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup of walnuts

-Combine first 5 ingredients in a dutch oven. Blend together over low heat.

-Once its blended well bring it to a boil over medium heat (it needs to be a rolling boil not just slightly boiling). Then boil slowly for 5 -7 minutes stirring constantly! (to make sure it is done use the soft ball test)

-Remove from heat stir in chocolate and vanilla (and nuts is you use them) until it is all blended and smooth (work fast because it cools quickly). Pour it into 2 buttered 9x9 pans or 1 13x9 buttered pan. Let it cool and then eat it up! It makes about 5 lbs.

Blessings and Love!!

Menu Plan Monday!(Oops...Tuesday) (Dec 20th)


Hey Everyone!!

I have been so busy getting ready for Christmas and Sissy Birthday, that I have kinda fallen off of the face of the blog world!! But I thought I still can post my menu, even if it is a day late! haha...Last week didn't really go as planned but oh well! We can have some grace around this time of year right? lol... I am baking all day today so I will be posting some recipes tonight of some of the yummy treats that have passed the "Husband Test".

Monday- Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans(that I burned!! :( )

Tuesday- Chicken Pot Pie

Wednesday- Pulled Pork Barbecue Sandwiches and Mac and Cheese

Thursday- Out with the in-laws for Christmas

Friday- Out to my Aunt's house for Christmas

Saturday- Hosting Christmas Dinner (Sage Turkey*, Smoked Ham, Stuffing, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Beans, and Rolls)

Sunday- Out with the Jones' for Christmas

*recipe to come

For more recipes or to share your family's menu, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

Stay Posted! There will be lots of recipes and knitting patterns to come!!
Blessings and Love!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Sweet Emmaline!!

*Sigh* Saturday our precious little princess turned one!! (Although she still looks like a 6 month old!) haha...I can't believe she is one! With the boys it seemed to me like they were ready to hit that new milestone of being a toddler, but Sissy is still so little to me! But on we go into that new phase of life!! She is one of the sweetest little things God has ever put on this planet! Here is a look into our first year with our little angel!

Our family's Christmas present last year!

And it was love at first sight for Daddy!

Sissy at Trey's 6th Birthday Party!

I love those big baby blues!!

Sweet Baby Girl!!

Just Gorgeous!!

Let's Eat Cake!!

I pray you all have a relaxing Christmas week!

Blessings and Love!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Menu Plan Monday! (Dec 13th)


Hey everyone!!

Well we have a jam packed week ahead of us!! This week Trey has his Christmas program(which he has been asked to play Joseph this year...:) so exciting!) this Tuesday, church on Wednesday, dinner out with my Praise Team from our church on Thursday, and Saturday is our little Emma's first birthday!! Whew...I'm tired already!!! LOL...well we had a few carry overs from last week that I will be doing this week. And I didn't get to my Christmas baking last week so this week I will be living in my kitchen in between everything else that is going on so watch for some yummy recipes! haha...well on with the menu!

Monday- Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, and Buttered Peas

Tuesday- Out to Dinner with the Family!

Wednesday- Pulled Pork Barbecue Sandwiches and Macaroni and Cheese

Thursday- Out to Dinner with Praise Team!

Friday- Grilled Chicken with Pasta* and Salad

Saturday- Emma's 1st Birthday Party!!

For more menus or recipes, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

I pray you have an awesome week!! Enjoy this great time of the year and enjoy your family!!
Blessings and Love!

"Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you." Jude 1:2

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Menu Plan Monday! (Dec 6th)


Wow...I can't believe it is December already!! I love it don't get me wrong, but it seems like we just started back at school and we are now 3 weeks away from Christmas! Haha...well, this week I will be testing out some new holiday treat recipes for some homemade gifts...So I will be posting the ones that make the cut for gifts! And I will also be posting some pics and patterns for some Christmas gifts I am knitting! So stay tuned for those! Last week's meals went great, but I do have one to carry over! So on with the menu!

Monday- White Chili

Tuesday- Barbecue Chicken, Cheesy Potatoes, and Green Beans

Wednesday- Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, and Buttered Peas

Thursday- Grilled Chicken Tenderloins and Pasta with Garlic Bread (recipe to come for homemade pasta sauce)

Friday- Date Night!! and finishing up Christmas shopping!

Saturday- Leftovers

To link up your family's menu or to find some great recipes, go to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!

I pray you all have a great week!
Blessings and Love!!

Matthew 6:31-34

31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

He is so faithful!! What an awesome Friend and Provider I serve!!